6 Household Chores To Avoid When Pregnant
Pregnancy is the most delicate period in a woman’s life because she carries the weight of another life within her. So, safety and care become a meticulous aspect throughout the entire journey, especially between the first and fourth trimesters. However, for mothers, that’s not the case! Despite being pregnant some of us would want a squeaky-clean house, hence inadvertently start to clean up the house.
(Image credit to First Cry Parenting)
But, you would just be surprised when we say even the simplest form of task like washing the dishes can be harmful to your baby and you. Since you might be wondering what else house chores that you should put on hold for now, we have listed down 6 cleaning activities to avoid during pregnancy. After all, this is the time for you to take the utmost break while letting the men take over for you.
6 Cleaning Chores to Avoid:
#1 Using heavy-chemical products
Studies have shown that harsh chemicals exposed to a pregnant woman can cause neural tube defects, deformities of the heart and limbs as well as congenital disorders for babies. How is this possible?
(Image credit to Cleaning Service)
Most of your household products like floor cleaners, dishwashers, insecticides, bleaching products, and disinfectants have harsh chemicals in them. Inhaling fumes from them can enter the bloodstream and pass onto your baby through the placenta. Hence, it would be best if any other family helps you with mopping the floor, washing the dishes, clothes and dealing with plants.
#2 Carrying heavy loads
Yes! This is another common household chore that you need to avoid while being pregnant and we remind you not to dust it off. It’s easier to injure your back while your little one is still inside your womb and trust us, back pain is the last thing you want to have at this point. During your pregnancy, all your ligaments are loosened while the growing belly puts extra weight and pressure on your spine.
(Image credit to Baby Center)
So, there’s bound to be normal pregnancy back pain! However, moving and lifting heavy loads add more strain to the loosened ligaments and your spine. Thus to avoid injuries for your baby and you, asking help from your superhero to move the furniture, carry heavy objects, and unload groceries would do some good.
#3 Climbing, tilting, or balancing tasks
Feel like hanging the curtains, wiping the windows, or climbing on the stool to get something from the kitchen cabinet? A big no! Expecting women shouldn’t be doing any climbing, tilting, or balancing tasks.
(Image credit to the Today Show)
Any of these three actions on a ladder, chair, or stool poses a great threat to the growing being inside you because as your belly grows, you will go through a change in the center of your body gravity. Therefore, you are prone to falling, and falling during maternity can cause separation of the placenta or preterm labor.
#4 Standing too long
This is not a household chore, but almost all household activities require you to stand for a long time. So, activities like cooking can actually aggravate your minor health issues during pregnancy. Here’s how! Standing for too long can disrupt the blood flow, increase the risk of high blood pressure and add on to the already existing back pain.
(Image credit to Pampers)
What's more, it can also cause swollen feet. While being pregnant is the most wonderful journey, the bodily pains that come with it are something that every mother has to go through (huge respect to all the supermoms). But it can be avoided with some extra care to not stand for too long and some light exercises.
#5 Cleaning litter boxes
Do you have cats, dogs, or any other pets with you? If yes, then you must be familiar with cleaning their litter boxes, but that was when you were a single woman. Now, you are bearing a baby and this task should be avoided at all costs. Cleaning after dog poop and cat feces can be deadly to the developing baby due to toxoplasmosis.
(Image credit to Shutterstock)
Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by exposure to cats’ feces which is then, transmitted from mommy to baby (more prone during the third trimesters). The disease can cause so many health problems like seizures, enlarged livers, or severe eye infections in your developing baby.
#6 Bending works
As aforementioned, being a bumping momma you are going to experience a 360 degrees shift in your body-gravity center, and bending during this time can be risky for the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back to the leg.
(Image credit to theAsianParent)
So any house chores that require you to bend should be avoided and possibly, ignored. Ladies, you have to bid a temporary goodbye to mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming activities. It’s always best to ask for help from your partner or caretaker.
No matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to take a break from our responsibility entirely. On that note, if you still have to do any simple chores, then follow some of our tips here:
Tips To Take Note:
- Work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area when using chemical products
- Wear a mask and gloves at all times to avoid being exposed to anything harmful
- Avoid eating or drinking at your or anywhere near your cleaning area
- Don’t use aerosol sprays as fumes are easily inhaled
- Don’t mix ammonia and bleach as they are a proven toxic combination
- Try buying ‘light’ chemical products that have more natural ingredients
- Use kitchen ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and water for cleaning purposes
- If you feel nauseous, or light-headed, stop work immediately and look for a place to breathe in fresh air
- Ask for help!
It’s important to keep the house clean to feel calm and serene during your pregnancy. Your good intention is to provide a cleaner and comfortable environment for your baby. However, your baby only feels the safest and comfy when the bubs are inside your belly. Therefore, don’t go overboard with the cleaning and remember, always ask for help. Gentlemen, it’s time to take care of your little one’s and wife’s wellness so let’s gear up with gloves, masks, goggles with a mop, and a pail.
(Image credit to The Mirror)
The household chores mentioned above are just a pinch of salt, but there’s actually more! Take a break and pamper yourself instead, moms. We really hope the article on 6 household chores to avoid when pregnant would be food for your thought. If you liked this article, then you would absolutely love similar articles from HappyPreggie.