Parenting Tips

Common Parenting Tactics That Aren't Good For Your Kid

7 min | Updated on 29-12-2021 by HappyPreggie
Raising children is one of the most difficult and wonderful tasks in the world. Parents don't generally want to make any mistakes at first. However, they frequently depend only on their parenting instincts and fail to seek help for basic parenting concerns and problems. Unfortunately, many of us don't have a natural feel for what to do in every circumstance we meet as parents, and we all make errors from time to time. Read the whole article to know about some of the Common parenting tactics that aren't good for your kid and therefore your should avoid them.

Common parenting tactics that aren't good for your kid
(Image credits to Best Life)

#1 Making comparisons between your child to other

Many parents start comparing their children to other children in order to encourage them to succeed. Comparing a child to other children, on the other hand, might have the opposite impact, making the child who is being compared feel bad and hurting their self-esteem. Competitiveness in children is healthy and may encourage them to do well and be good, but pushing them to be better than other kids can be harmful at times. It can result in aggressiveness, animosity, and resentment by causing deep emotional traumas that are difficult to heal. All of these characteristics are adverse to children's steady development and advancement.

Making comparisons between your child to other
(Image credits to Canva)

#2 Letting your stress out on your kids

Even if your child had nothing to do with it, if you come back home in an awful mood and slam doors and snap at tiny things many times, they will remember. When you're having a difficult day, they'll remember how you treated them. It's unlikely that you're irritated because of them, but it will seem that way. In the future, this will create concern.

Letting your stress out on your kids
(Image credits to Canva)

#3 Treating your kid like your therapist

Parenting is a tricky balancing act of understanding how to raise your children in a responsible and ethical manner while also preparing them for life. There are numerous factors we must consider while raising well-adjusted children, from learning the difference between positive and negative words to what we give them.

Sometimes you say to your children things like, 'Your father is disgusting; he didn't even clean the dishes’. But you have to remember that your children are not therapists. Furthermore, they are unable to help you with your situation. Instead, talk to your spouse and a therapist about your problems.

Treating your kid like your therapist
(Image credits to Canva)

#4 Being inconsistent

Few things may affect your children more than a parenting style that is inconsistent. If you are tough at times but give in at others or simply don't appear to care what your children do, they will struggle to understand what is expected of them and how to act.

#5 Fighting back

Fighting or arguing with your children attracts unwanted attention and gives them a lot of control over you since they can generate such powerful responses. Fighting back will result in you "unintentionally rewarding the misbehavior you're trying to stop," rather than stopping problem behaviors. Instead of fighting back, you can do better by putting an end to power struggles and adopting more effective disciplinary tactics, such as time-out and applying logical and natural consequences, rather than wasting time arguing before implementing them.

Fighting Back
(Image credits to Canva)

#6 Not enforcing rules or establishing boundaries

You may believe that allowing your children to do anything they want is a good thing, but most younger children find it extremely difficult to live without boundaries. Rules, limitations, consistent routines, and restricted options will assist your youngster understand and anticipate what will happen during the day.

Not enforcing rules or establishing boundaries
(Image credits to Canva)

#7 Expecting unrealistic output

You might potentially cause problems if you have unreasonable expectations of what your children should do. This sometimes occurs when parents become frustrated or impatient with a two-and-a-half-year-old who refuses to potty train, a six-year-old who is wetting the bed, or a moody adolescent.

#8 Spanking

Aside from the serious ethical implications, the vast majority of research on physical punishment reveals that it makes children less inclined to follow. Spanking actually makes kids behave worse in the long run.

(Image credits to ParentHub)

#9 Not changing what doesn't work

Not identifying or modifying failed parenting practices is almost as bad as not attempting to solve problems in the first place. Is what you're doing effective? For example, you may believe that spanking is an effective method of discipline, but if you have to use it every day to fix the same problem or behavior, it isn't.

What do you think about our piece on Common parenting tactics that aren't good for your kid? At HappyPreggie we believe you will find all our blogs very informative. Because we always care about the wellbeing of the parents and the babies. We hope you as a parent will try to avoid this mistakes for the betterment of your baby.

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