AMABY Parenting & Confinement Centre

20 Jalan Puteri 7/15, Bandar Puteri 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia| Map| Visit website| Make a call | Whatsapp |
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service pricing RM 13,360 - RM 18,400
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About AMABY Parenting & Confinement Centre

AMABY is the first confinement centre founded by an Obstetrician and a Paediatrician. Our team of dedicated medical professionals aim to provide a holistic approach to your parenting experience.

AMABY means the ultimate nurturer. It is the beacon of righteousness and domesticity. It holds the harmony between love and responsibility. It brings out the energy of your paternal and maternal bond which exceeds all others.



Imparting knowledge and skills to parents. Providing medical based care and services yet blending with cultural and traditional based practises. Supporting parents through their journey in pregnancy and subsequently and postnatal & childcare.


We are experts in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) and Pediatrics. We dedicate and combine our skills, knowledge and experience to support and empower parents.

What is included?


  • Complete post-delivery care by trained nurses and experienced midwives
  • Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist assessment and check-up
  • Ensure successful breastfeeding with dedicated breast feeding consultant and breastmilk support facilities
  • Carefully crafted postnatal cuisines to provide healthy and revitalizing nutrition
  • Exercise programs and rejuvenating massages


  • Complete baby care and monitoring by trained nurse
  • Consultant Paediatrician assessment and check-up
  • FREE jaundice check
  • FREE jaundice phototherapy treatment
  • Daily stimulation and massage
  • Daily parenting education & programs
  • Daily hands-on activities and coaching


  • Memories of stay and gift pack
  • Discount for early registration

Business hours


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06:00 PM


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06:00 PM

1Reviews for AMABY Parenting & Confinement Centre

Out of 5.0

1Reviews for AMABY Parenting & Confinement Centre

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Bad service
Sitichin , sent on 08/05/2024
这家月子中心是我做了很多research,看了小红书和Google reviews觉得评语不错才选的。签配套之前说送免费按摩和免费upgrade去更好的配套。可是最后都是骗人的。salesman处理问题的态度也很差。要选选这家月子中心的妈咪请三思。以下是我遇到的问题~都是开空头支票骗顾客。 1.说会送产后按摩,可是要在fb或google给评语才可以claim foc massage.更过分要求顾客一定要给5星好评才可以拿到免费按摩。 2.讲会送baby shooting 也是被放飞机~问了几时可以安排拍照,就说photographer oversea再安排时间。从1月等到4月也没消息。全额付款就没有售后服务。差😡 upgrade 的配套原来是没有包括tonic soup.salesman说忘了告诉我。需要自己买30天的tonic soup 配套rm1388.都是salesman骗人的话语术。所以不是free upgrade 而是需要自己另外付钱买tonic soup .我是到产后第三天才发现没有喝到药材,询问后才知道我买的配套没有包括tonic soup.大家可以去小红书看,也有其他顾客跟我的遭遇是一样的。用同样手法骗顾客签rm16k的配套。 4. 护士不专业~我买了teat 1month+ 给我的new born baby.心想应该跟0month的不会有很大的分别.可是孩子满月回家喂奶的时候,我发现孩子喝奶时会溢出很多奶,几乎半张的手帕都湿了。然后,喝奶的速度很快就喝完大概10分钟。喝奶的时候宝宝也表现很着急。喝完后还会再找奶,一直想要喝,喝不饱的感觉。当下我就知道一定是teat 过大。过后换回 0month的teat ,情况就改善。变成正常的。因为这个是我第三个宝宝,所以大概就能找到原因。当下我就有点崩溃好想大哭~那一个月护士是如何照顾我的宝宝。难道有经验的护士没察觉到吗?难怪在月子期间护士告诉我说宝宝喝饱不睡觉~一直找奶喝,可是又不能再给他喝,因为太多了。我还以为是宝宝的问题 。
这家月子中心是我做了很多research,看了小红书和Google reviews觉得评语不错才选的。签配套之前说送免费按摩和免费upgrade去更好的配套。可是最后都是骗人的。salesman处理问题的态度也很差。要选选这家月子中心的妈咪请三思。以下是我遇到的问题~都是开空头支票骗顾客。 1.说会送产后按摩,可是要在fb或google给评语才可以claim foc massage.更过分要求顾客一定要给5星好评才可以拿到免费按摩。 2.讲会送baby shooting 也是被放飞机~问了几时可以安排拍照,就说photographer oversea再安排时间。从1月等到4月也没消息。全额付款就没有售后服务。差😡 upgrade 的配套原来是没有包括tonic soup.salesman说忘了告诉我。需要自己买30天的tonic soup 配套rm1388.都是salesman骗人的话语术。所以不是free upgrade 而是需要自己另外付钱买tonic soup .我是到产后第三天才发现没有喝到药材,询问后才知道我买的配套没有包括tonic soup.大家可以去小红书看,也有其他顾客跟我的遭遇是一样的。用同样手法骗顾客签rm16k的配套。 4. 护士不专业~我买了teat 1month+ 给我的new born baby.心想应该跟0month的不会有很大的分别.可是孩子满月回家喂奶的时候,我发现孩子喝奶时会溢出很多奶,几乎半张的手帕都湿了。然后,喝奶的速度很快就喝完大概10分钟。喝奶的时候宝宝也表现很着急。喝完后还会再找奶,一直想要喝,喝不饱的感觉。当下我就知道一定是teat 过大。过后换回 0month的teat ,情况就改善。变成正常的。因为这个是我第三个宝宝,所以大概就能找到原因。当下我就有点崩溃好想大哭~那一个月护士是如何照顾我的宝宝。难道有经验的护士没察觉到吗?难怪在月子期间护士告诉我说宝宝喝饱不睡觉~一直找奶喝,可是又不能再给他喝,因为太多了。我还以为是宝宝的问题 。


AMABY Parenting & Confinement Centre

20 Jalan Puteri 7/15, Bandar Puteri 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia| Map| Visit website| Whatsapp | Claim this page|

Typical price

service pricing RM 13,360 - RM 18,400

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How to request for service?

  • Choose your preferred provider
  • Answer a few questions
  • Submit the request
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让妈咪的五脏六腑都得到最好的照顾,回复以前的活力~ Angelababy产后护理之家特别推出高营养高质量的素食月子餐,食谱是经由40年经验中医师和奶妈搭配的,务必做到均衡饮食,营养,调理为一,让妈咪们尽快恢复元气!

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Jeannie's月子餐外送服务 坚持所有月子餐采用新鲜、营养丰富食材、精心烹调。
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A good and sound sleep will ensure that a child will have a solid foundation for a proper mind and body development. The method I was trained in was created out of the strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn. Isn’t that what you want for your little ones?

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Every parent, and every child, is different and you need to be completely comfortable with a sleep plan in order for it to work. That’s why this program places so much emphasis on accommodating different parenting styles.
The Sleep Sense™ Method was created out of a strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful and eager to learn.

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Simran is a nurse by profession before advancing her career as a lactation consultant. She was previously attached to a prominent private hospital in Subang Jaya, SJMC for five years whereby she gained her interest in breastfeeding education and consultation. Simran was a nursery nurse whereby she constantly worked with newborns and mothers in terms of breastfeeding. She educates mothers on the importance of breastfeeding, assists mothers with latching, positions and other breastfeeding-related issues.

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让妈咪的五脏六腑都得到最好的照顾,回复以前的活力~ Angelababy产后护理之家特别推出高营养高质量的素食月子餐,食谱是经由40年经验中医师和奶妈搭配的,务必做到均衡饮食,营养,调理为一,让妈咪们尽快恢复元气!
