Choice Baby, A Gender Selection Company
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About Choice Baby
We are a Malaysian based company offering the services of gender selection using the Choice Method. It is based on the Polarity Cycle of the ovum membrane. This method identifies the timing of intercourse for the desired gender. It's purely natural, no drugs, surgery nor any side effects.
Gender selection. Baby boy or baby girl, now parents can choose. Accuracy of 98.7%. 100% money back guaranteed.
The CHOICE Method Of Gender Selection
Although Dr Stolkowski's studies were limited, there are many who believe that he was at the forefront of the most accurate system yet of safely choosing the sex of your child. We are referring to the CHOICE method, one of the newest ways to control gender selection.
Using Dr Stolkowski's research as his base, European biologist Patrick Schoun discovered that the membrane surrounding a human egg also emits ions, transmitting a kind of electrical "charge" of its own. Reportedly, it is this energy that attracts either the X or Y sperm.
He also found that at specific times in a woman's monthly cycle, her egg is electrically "charged" to attract either the X or Y sperm exclusively. In addition, he also noted a clearly "neutral" time in the cycle when the electrical charge surrounding an egg is totally dependent upon environmental factors.
In addition, Schoun also found that the time frame which the egg is electrically charged one way or the other can range from one to ten days in a calendar month and can change from month to month. So, for example, in January you may have ten consecutive days on which your egg is charged in a way that attracts the X sperm, while in February, you may have only three days when this occurs. So, by coordinating your most fertile time, (the six days before ovulation) to the days when your egg is attracted to either the X or the Y sperm, you can plan sexual relationship to coincide with the conception of either a boy or a girl.
Business hours
09:00 AM
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09:00 AM
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09:00 AM
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In simple terms, when the ovum attracts the Y chromosome, it produces a baby boy, and when it attracts the X chromosome it produces a baby girl.
Yes, there are other methods such as the Shettles Method, diet, douching and Chinese calendar and most of them will increase your chance. But only the CHOICE METHOD has a scientifically proven success rate of 98.7%.
Not usually - it only take one sperm and quantity is not an issue a long as there are sperms with either the chosen X or Y chromosome, which is nearly always the case.
No, a change in a menstrual cycle will not affect the polarity cycle for a boy or a girl as defined in your CHOICE Conception Chart.
If you have a very predictable / accurate menstrual cycle, then at some time the ovulation cycle will coincide with the favorable days. If, after receiving the chart and it's clear that the favorable days will not coincide with your ovulation, you may ask your doctor to prescribe you some mini pills to retard or bring on your period, so that your ovulation can fall on the days marked favorable for the gender that you desire. Nevertheless, please remember that a woman can conceive anytime and in some rare cases, even during their menses
The CHOICE Conception Chart is based on the polarity cycle of your ovum membrane and not your menstrual cycle. So, an irregular period will not affect the chart
You can as soon as your periods have returned and have re-started their cycle
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