Junior Champs
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About Junior Champs
At Junior Champs, we envision to provide quality education. Every preschooler will be nurtured to become well-rounded global citizens with noble values and characters.
Children learn best through play and exploration. We present all children in our care with suitable opportunities and experiences to develop their desire for learning in an atmosphere of fun. Our planning for the day is based around the needs and interests of each of the children together with the broader Early Years programme that we follow.
Acceptance. Through an environment of acceptance, children will develop a love for lifelong learning. Our wholesome teaching approaches shall help each unique child to excel and fulfill their individual potential.
Create true leadership, honing their skills for the future and making them leaders of tomorrow.
Equipping children with strong characters and values, to be role models and positively impact and influence their surrounding communities and nations.
Core Values:
Seeding Values and Character
We place high emphasis in building the children’s godly character as a foundation to becoming a well-rounded, sound individual. Our school and staff will model a culture of good noble characters and values to the next generation.
Enriching Individualities
We believe each child is unique and each matters. They will thrive and excel with our wholesome teaching approaches embedded in our loving, caring and nurturing environment.
Encouraging Love for Learning
In Junior Champs, we will foster the keen love for learning, both for the staff and students. We would encourage parents and families to be part of this journey in cultivating lifelong learning.
Discipline with Purpose
Disciplines are instilled to cultivate good life skills and habits. Promote a culture of mutual respect and honouring one another.
Our Programme
Academic – Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)Our aim is to develop a strong learning foundation harnessed by effective delivery for both local and international children. Our progammes cover various aspects of child development including logical thinking, numeracy , science and discovery, reading and analytical skills. Our curriculum is mainly play-based to promote logical thinking and creativity. We have one of the lowest student-teacher ratio in Kuala Lumpur to ensure each child gets personal touch and care.
Medium of Instruction – Bilingual (English and Mandarin)Recognizing the needs for multilingual skills, we realize children acquire language well in a purposeful way. Our educators use bilingual teaching methodology to cultivate both English and Mandarin languages.
Physical DevelopmentWe provide ample space in our school for physical and outdoor activities. Experiencing nature is important in learning process as part of the Reggio Emilia approach.
Day CareWe understand the need for parents to juggle work and family. Thus, we provide daycare service for working parents. Our typical school hours are from 8.30am to 12.30pm; full day till 5.30 pm or 6.30pm under special arrangement. Lunch and afternoon snack are provided for full day programmes.
Enrichment ProgrammesWe provide various enrichment programmes to enhance personal development such as Mandarin classes, and Speech & Drama. Click here for more information.
Extended Day/Drop offWe also provide hourly-charged services for parents to drop-off theirs kids for an hour or two so that they can run their errands.
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