Kimporo Postnatal Rejuvenation - Confinement Centre

Level 6 & 7, 30A, Menara Ruyi, Lorong Kapar, Jalan 2/87G, Off Jalan Syed, Putra, 58000 Kuala Lumpur.| Make a call | Whatsapp |
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service pricing RM 15,000 - RM 45,000
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About Kimporo Postnatal Rejuvenation

Kimporo, which means “The Most Precious One” in Chinese, refers not only to the precious newborn, but also the precious new mother. At Kimporo we understand the importance in helping the new mother adjust to motherhood, granting her a peaceful period of bonding with her new baby and supporting her in establishing successful breastfeeding. We offer specialised care, having a team of trained breastfeeding & confinement specialists, midwives and nurses to assist in the care of the newborn and the complete rejuvenation of the new mother, in a luxurious and safe environment. Postnatal meals are specially prepared to aid healing and strengthening of the body after delivery.

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Kimporo Postnatal Rejuvenation - Confinement Centre

Level 6 & 7, 30A, Menara Ruyi, Lorong Kapar, Jalan 2/87G, Off Jalan Syed, Putra, 58000 Kuala Lumpur.| Whatsapp | Claim this page|

Typical price

service pricing RM 15,000 - RM 45,000

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