Starlight Confinement Care Center

Photo 9
Every booking includes free personal accident protection for mother and baby during postpartum period, covering medical reimbursement, traditional medical reimbursement (including a Chinese acupuncturist, chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist), permanent disablement, death and other issues due to accident.
About Starlight Confinement Care Center
Business hours
09:00 AM
-06:00 PM
09:00 AM
-06:00 PM
09:00 AM
-06:00 PM
09:00 AM
-06:00 PM
09:00 AM
-06:00 PM
09:00 AM
-06:00 PM
09:00 AM
-06:00 PM
3Reviews for Starlight Confinement Care Center
Quality of services
Average response time
I feel lucky that my friend recommended me to the Starlight
How Mei Mei , sent on 29/05/2023This is my 1st time staying in a confinement center. 4 years ago, I was confinement at home for my 1st baby. That was a huge difference in between. I feel lucky that my friend recommended me to the Starlight confinement center.
On the 1st day I came here, my room had been upgraded 😊 Daddy and kid can stay overnight here without extra charge, bed is provided. I was so grateful cuz most of the confinement center required extra charge for the extra bed.
All the staff are friendly, lovely and professional. The nursery team is taking good care of my baby, let me have a good rest here. My baby has jaundice, they will let him enjoy the sun bath to lower the jaundice level. Special thanks to Christ and Malar who helped me to do the firming herbal blend, letting my tummy recover even faster. 🥰
Another reason I chose Starlight Confinement center is because they provide vegetarian meals for me. The aunt is very nice and responsible, she will ask me all the details about my eating habits. When I give her suggestions, she will try to cook for me. As I am vegan, aunt also makes ginger drinks for me. I am really grateful for her caring.
I love the environment here as well. The place is clean and tidy all the time. Staffs are polite and with smile on face. This makes me feel comfortable staying here, better than hotels. 😁
There are many free services here too. For example: class for baby bath and massage, class for breast milk soap, breastfeeding consultation, mummy body checking. Another value added is saloon service here. Chris is really good in providing this service! I love the hair wash and massage, really enjoy it! The massage Aunt Yuri also let me relax and calm. One of my breasts was blocking, she did massage it without any painful.
Thousand thanks to all of them❤️❤️❤️
This is my 1st time staying in a confinement center. 4 years ago, I was confinement at home for my 1st baby. That was a huge difference in between. I feel lucky that my friend recommended me to the Starlight confinement center.
On the 1st day I came here, my room had been upgraded 😊 Daddy and kid can stay overnight here without extra charge, bed is provided. I was so grateful cuz most of the confinement center required extra charge for the extra bed.
All the staff are friendly, lovely and professional. The nursery team is taking good care of my baby, let me have a good rest here. My baby has jaundice, they will let him enjoy the sun bath to lower the jaundice level. Special thanks to Christ and Malar who helped me to do the firming herbal blend, letting my tummy recover even faster. 🥰
Another reason I chose Starlight Confinement center is because they provide vegetarian meals for me. The aunt is very nice and responsible, she will ask me all the details about my eating habits. When I give her suggestions, she will try to cook for me. As I am vegan, aunt also makes ginger drinks for me. I am really grateful for her caring.
I love the environment here as well. The place is clean and tidy all the time. Staffs are polite and with smile on face. This makes me feel comfortable staying here, better than hotels. 😁
There are many free services here too. For example: class for baby bath and massage, class for breast milk soap, breastfeeding consultation, mummy body checking. Another value added is saloon service here. Chris is really good in providing this service! I love the hair wash and massage, really enjoy it! The massage Aunt Yuri also let me relax and calm. One of my breasts was blocking, she did massage it without any painful.
Thousand thanks to all of them❤️❤️❤️
Nurses is patient and lovely, they sayang and take care baby with heart
Audrey Koo , sent on 13/03/2023First come to mind to choose this center is, near my house and price is affordable 😆
After check-in, overall experience is great 👍🏻
Food is good and customised to each mommy
Nurses is patient and lovely, they sayang and take care baby with heart ❤️
28 days times fly, we are like family and feel sad when discharge
First come to mind to choose this center is, near my house and price is affordable 😆
After check-in, overall experience is great 👍🏻
Food is good and customised to each mommy
Nurses is patient and lovely, they sayang and take care baby with heart ❤️
28 days times fly, we are like family and feel sad when discharge
Contact provider
How to request for service?
- Choose your preferred provider
- Answer a few questions
- Submit the request
Jyy Wei , sent on 12/09/2023在这里的28天,很幸运可以参与到中心的各个活动,如:营养讲座,教学如何帮宝宝冲凉,自制母乳皂课程等。此外,中心也请了Pantai 医院的医生来检查并了解宝宝的健康状况。另外,每个星期也是会有泌乳师来探访并了解和解决妈妈哺乳所遇到的问题。整体来说,妈妈可以放心的在做月和修养。
在这里的28天,很幸运可以参与到中心的各个活动,如:营养讲座,教学如何帮宝宝冲凉,自制母乳皂课程等。此外,中心也请了Pantai 医院的医生来检查并了解宝宝的健康状况。另外,每个星期也是会有泌乳师来探访并了解和解决妈妈哺乳所遇到的问题。整体来说,妈妈可以放心的在做月和修养。