Sunshine Confinement Centre 晨心月子中心
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About Sunshine Confinement Centre
We understand how precious your little angel meant to you. Hence, during this critical 28 days of postnatal period, we are here to take care of you and be your helping hand in managing the needs of your precious one.
What is included
* 设有CCTV:24小时同时监控里外状况(包括婴儿房和厨房),确保保姆的工作表现,父母也可以从自己的手机查看CCTV。
Equipped with CCTV: Outdoor and indoor surroundings (including baby room & kitchen) are being monitored by CCTV on 24-hour basis to ensure babysitters' work qualities/ performances are not compromised. CCTV's live-view is also available at a press of your mobile phone.
* 卫生 :高品质过滤水机和空气清新机,定时打扫,全部洗剂均有杀菌功能
Hygiene: Well hygiene standard is promised with the installation of high-quality water filter and air refresher as well as regular house cleaning with all detergents applied having germs-killing property.
* 宝宝 : 宝宝房通风宽敞,设有CCTV以监督, 定时测量宝宝体温, 有机宝宝清洗用品
Babies: Babies rooms are well ventilated, spacious and monitored by CCTV. Babies' bodies' temperatures are measured regularly. Baby washing kits with organic property are also provided.
* 养生 :一天五餐,多样化的营养美味膳食,高品质药材
Body cultivations: Five delicious yet healthy meals with different varieties are served daily. High quality Chinese herbs supplements.
* 环境:空间宽敞,明亮通风,环境幽静
Environment: Spacious, bright, well ventilated and cozy.
* 个人房间:绝对的隐私,老公可以过夜陪伴老婆在侧
Individual room: Absolute privacy and personal space are guaranteed. Companion is allowed for overnight stay.
* 休闲娱乐 :全部房间设有电视机,400多部影片供选择,设有wifi
Leisure & entertainment: All rooms are equipped with TV with an option to watch more than 400 movies. WIFI is available at all times.
* 尿裤全包,另加两次免费产后按摩服务
All diapers are inclusive as well as 2 complimentary postnatal massage service.
To rest and prepare yourself well to be a pretty mom in this very critical postnatal period.
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