UCSI Mother's Sanctuary Postpartum Care, Kuala Lumpur

No 1, Jalan Mandarina Damai 1, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur| Visit website| Make a call | Whatsapp |
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UCSI Mother's Sanctuary Postpartum Care, Kuala Lumpur

No 1, Jalan Mandarina Damai 1, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur| Visit website| Whatsapp | Claim this page|

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Our centre is the perfect getaway for mothers to recuperate and learn how to begin their journey towards motherhood. Byond28 expects to raise the standards of modern confinement to include confinement services before, during and after the standard 28-days on confinement.

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Provision of quality confinement care by experienced professionals, and collaboration with medical practioners to deliver wholesome confinement experience. Feel free to drop us an inquiry.

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Helmed by an allied health professional, Ukiyo Confinement Centre is committed to be Malaysia’s most trusted medical-based confinement centre. At Ukiyo Confinement Centre, we are dedicated in our service to be one of the best experienced postpartum choices for mothers.

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The Moment Postnatal Care is a home-based postnatal care in a bungalow in Mahkota Cheras with private lift. Our mission is to let mummies and babies go home healthily with confidence.

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Our centre is the perfect getaway for mothers to recuperate and learn how to begin their journey towards motherhood. Byond28 expects to raise the standards of modern confinement to include confinement services before, during and after the standard 28-days on confinement.

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Provision of quality confinement care by experienced professionals, and collaboration with medical practioners to deliver wholesome confinement experience. Feel free to drop us an inquiry.


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Jeannie's月子餐外送服务 坚持所有月子餐采用新鲜、营养丰富食材、精心烹调。
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AD Babiegraphy (Baby Photography) record the precious moment during maternity, newborn baby, 369 month growth records and 1 y/o smash cake celeb.

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我们提供美味和营养的月子套餐,每个妈妈可以很轻松的在家里坐月子就可以让他他们的身体比以前更健康。 我们也提供专业的月子餐知识
